When I’m not pursuing all the other hobbies on this site, my day job is testing software. I’ve been in the Software Quality world since my internship at J.D. Power in 2000 and I keep learning more about how much more I need to learn. I love to teach as well, so I’ve been an instructor for theĀ Black Box Software Testing courses by Cem Kaner and Rebecca Fiedler since 2008.
I’m also co-founder of WREST, the Workshop for Regulated Software Testing with Karen Johnson. Currently I’m doing the WREST workshop with Griffin Jones, an expert on regulated software. Here’s a link to an interview I did about WREST in March 2012.
Also related to WREST, I published an article a few years ago for Better Software Magazine titled: Busted: 5 Myths of Testing Regulated Software
In June of 2011, I presented “Questioning Best Practices” at the Better Software Conference in Las Vegas. You can download the slides here.
As the world of software quality changes, I’ve been getting more into DevOps and the Continuous Testing that goes with it. I’m looking forward to more challenges delving into this world.